So, you want to start jump roping and happen to notice the different types of ropes. Why are there different types and which one is better? Or maybe you purchased one and it just didn’t work as well as you anticipated. Let’s be honest, not all of them are good and not all of them are for the same goals. First, let’s take a look at the two distinct types to find the best one specifically for you.

Speed ropes vs weighted ropes

Thinner wire ropes are for speed endurance and rapid movement. They are fast and best for people who have established coordination. This type of rope is best for tricks such as double-unders and criss-cross. Choose this style if you are coordinated enough to handle speed and start learning different techniques or if you are speed training.

On the other hand, the heavier weighted ropes target a higher number of large muscle groups to build strength. Since heavier ropes tend to be slower they give users the opportunity to fine turn their skills without feeling overwhelmed. If you are a beginner or need to fine turn your coordination then this is the best type of rope for you. Having personally been smacked in the face with a thin rope before, start slow and work your way up.

*Pro Tip* – The ultimate goal of jump roping is to not allow any contact with the ground. If you are skimming the rope then it will wear ANY jump rope no matter the price range. The simple solution is to jump higher to avoid damage.

Now that you have decided which style will best suit your needs we need to look at quality and durability. Not all ropes on the market are going to last and not all of them are designed with the user in mind. Below is a break down of the highest quality ropes on the market.

Best Weighted Ropes

Weighted jump ropes are great for enhanced shoulder toning. Jumping rope will tone your shoulders on its own but adding weights will definitely speed up the process. These will tend to have thicker ropes and are suitable for all levels from beginner to advanced. The weights in most of these are removable so you can always start off without them and work your way up. Below are three of our favorite and top-rated weighted jump ropes.

Everlast: Hands down top jump rope available. Won’t ever get twisted and is made of durable material that will take thousands of hours to start to wear. I personally have tried many jump ropes and this is the one I always go back to. I have yet to find a weighted jump rope that is better. Get it here. You can also remove the weights for additional versatility.

DEGOL- Inner bearings prevent tangles and comfort foam grip handles make for a pleasurable experience. Find it here. The handles are one of the best features on this rope as they are enjoyable to hold and won’t slip.

Pulse- Thick memory foam handles and weighing in at 1 lb make it a great beginner to intermediate option. You will enhance your agility and build strength as you become more confident with this rope. Buy it here.

Best Speed Ropes

Speed ropes are exactly what you expect them to be. They are designed for speed and aren’t as forgiving for beginners. You want to make sure you are comfortable jumping rope and know the basics before getting a speed rope. When choosing one you want it to be very lightweight, have a swivel handle and a comfortable grip. Below are our three favorite speed ropes that come with the highest reviews.

Crossrope- This rope comes with a Set of two different ropes to customize your routine. One is a bit heavier than the other which gives users more control over their workout. The lighter rope will enhance speed and the heavier rope to strengthen more muscle groups. Get yours now.

*Pro Tip*- In the case a rope is not adjustable, simply tie a knot in the rope near the handles. This will keep the rope smooth and allow you to adjust the height according to your needs.

WOD Nation- Coming with a lifetime guarantee and a broad range of colors is just the icing on the cake. Best deal here. This smooth and durable rope will get your heart pumping quicker than you think. You’ll have peace of mind knowing it is backed by a guarantee.

RX- Expertly wrapped handles and 360 spin rotation allows for carefree usage without any interruption. This rope will never tangle or trip you up. Also, note that it is non-adjustable so see the above *Pro Tip* for advice. Buy it.

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