So you want thick thighs and a nice booty? Stop playing, you already have all that. However, if you are looking to enhance your assets then getting a booty band is exactly what you need to do. It’s literally the best fitness accessory on the market for toning and shaping the thighs and butt. Not to mention they are really inexpensive and lightweight so you can take them anywhere.

We absolutely love booty bands not only for how they shape and tone but also how convenient and versatile they are. If squats are getting a bit boring and you feel like you’ve “mastered” them then try adding a booty band and watch how fast you feel your legs burn. It’s so amazing how such a small product can offer such huge results.

The truth is that not all booty bands are created equal. Some are better than others depending on how you prefer to train and what your goals are. Let’s talk a little bit about each type of booty band and find the one that’s best for you.


As you can guess fabric booty bands are made out of fabric and elastic material. They are snugger and offer more intense resistance because the bands are wider. Fabric booty bands are trendy, fashionable and splashed over every social media influencer’s account. The fabric makes them more attractive since they come in great colors and designs. However, you are here because you want something other than pretty colors. You want to know if a fabric booty band is going to get you the results you are looking for.

1.) Fabric bands are great for anyone who likes to exercise with shorts on. You won’t have to worry about your skin getting pinched or irritated. Latex bands will pinch bare skin and can sometimes cause irritation and redness. So if you like to show a little leg at the gym or during home workouts then a fabric band is the way to go.

2.) Fabric bands also stay in place a little better than latex bands. You won’t need to worry about them slipping or moving during your workouts because they fit more snug. You can usually expect latex bands to occasionally slip during workouts. So choose this band if a little slipping would annoy you and ruin the mood of your routine.

3.) Fabric bands come in standard sizes and that means they tend to be more fitted. This means that they will offer more resistance to help you get to your goals much faster. The wider band increases tension and will help you target more muscles than latex ones.

Discover the top-rated booty bands HERE.

The Verdict:

If you intend to use a band just for working the legs and butt then a fabric one is probably the best way to go. It’s fuss-free since all you need to do is slide it on, position it and start exercising. Remember that it’s important to get a quality band so that it will last longer and also maintain it’s shape and resistance level. Our favorite fabric booty band is THIS ONE.


Latex bands are made out of latex or sometimes rubber and they come in many different lengths and resistance levels. They are one of the most popular and long-standing pieces of home workout equipment on the market. In fact, resistance bands were first invented during the late 1800s. They were initially made of medical tubing and used to help rehabilitate muscles.

1.) If you are looking to invest in 1 or 2 bands to train more than just your legs and butt then latex or rubber is the way to go. You can buy longer length ones to use for pullups, pushups, bicep curls or even stretching. You can tie a knot in the band to easily adjust the length for each workout.

2.) One of the top-selling points for latex or rubber bands is that they are adjustable. You can just tie a knot in the band to control the size and the resistance at the same time. Not everyone is the same size so if your thighs are thicker you might want to consider a band that allows you to control the size.

3.) Latex or rubber resistance bands have a wider range of motion. This means that you are less restricted and can perform more exercises with them. They are more versatile not only for other exercises but for training the thighs and butt as well.

The Verdict:

A latex or rubber booty band is best if you want to use it to train more than just your butt and legs. It’s more versatile and can be easily adjusted to adapt to your strength and type of exercise. You will have a wider range of motion and be able to perform more dynamic exercises.

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