The number 40 isn’t actually as scary as some make it out to be. There isn’t going to be any major decline in your health once there are more candles than cake. You aren’t going to wake up and be void of energy or ambition. Society has a way of altering a woman’s perspective for cosmetic reasons. While there will be slight differences as we age, it is slow and progressive. The best way to remain healthy is to be aware of these slight changes and actively participate in your own well-being.

It is very much true that when the body is 40 years old it is not going to function like a 19-year-old. This is just nature and the process of the body. Honestly, this is completely ok, especially when recalling those massive breakouts on a monthly basis. Below are some of the top issues women face when seeking fitness or maintaining it later on in life.


One of the biggest concerns many women have is their metabolism. This is the system in which the body converts food into energy. An efficient and engaged metabolism means less of a chance of weight gain. Having a few cookies or eating too much from time to time will not matter if the metabolism is effective. The issue comes in when hormones begin to change as aging advances. Expect the metabolism to decrease only about 5% every decade once you hit 40.


This is when self-care should become more of a focus. Make small changes such as exercising, taking probiotics, staying hydrated, and consuming plenty of fiber-filled vegetables. This will support the body in processing food into energy. Remember to consume at least 2-3 liters of water every day for a better metabolic rate. Studies have shown that metabolism rates increase by roughly 15% within 30 minutes of drinking a glass of water.


Chemical exposure accounts for 20-30% of health problems such as cancer, immune disorders, and obesity. Reducing toxins within the home environment helps stabilize hormones associated with such health issues. Things like aerosol air fresheners, household cleaners, laundry detergent, makeup, and even candles can contain harmful carcinogenic chemicals that put hormones in a state of distress. Get in the habit of checking labels for ingredient lists and hazard warnings. Eliminate products that are harmful and replace them with natural, healthy alternatives. Companies are offering more and more chemical-free products that can be found at regular grocery and retail stores.

Muscle Mass

Muscle mass begins to deplete as the body naturally ages. This process is otherwise known as sarcopenia. One of the main reasons this occurs is because hormone levels change leading to hindered communication within the body. It is completely normal and occurs in every person. There are, of course, other contributing factors that are more controllable.


As people age, they tend to consume fewer calories and less protein. This depletion of nutrients leads to the loss of muscle. In order to promote wellness, the body needs these nutrients to thrive. Try making smoothies or having protein shakes to supplement some of the food. Even if less food is being consumed, take vitamins and track food intake to have a broad perspective of what the body is receiving.


People tend to exercise less as they get older and this means less muscle mass as well. It is important to maintain a regular fitness lifestyle. This can include activities such as brisk walking, running, weight lifting, HIIT sessions or even jumping rope. Just as long as you continue to move and challenge the body so that muscle and strength remain present. The only way muscle will continue to deplete is if you don’t take action to build and maintain it.


Keeping the body limber and agile is highly valuable for overall health and wellness. It prevents accidental falls, muscle soreness, stiffness, increases blood flow and range of motion. Flexibility also boosts coordination and motor skills. Spend a small amount of time each day performing a few stretching movements to retain mobility.

-Pre/ Post Workout

Add warm-ups and cool-downs to every workout session. The warm-up helps to wake up the body and get it ready while the cool-down allows for deep stretches that aid in muscle restoration. Hold each stretching pose for at least 30 seconds and do not bounce while in a pose. Bouncing can actually create micro-tears in the muscle and lead to discomfort or even pain.

Foam Roll

Foam rollers are cylinder tubes that are made of semi-hard material. They come in different sizes and some have raised bumps to add texture. The dense material deeply penetrates the tissue encasing the muscle and releases stored tension. Think of them as self-massagers that release tension surrounding muscles which promote fast healing and recovery. Adding foam rolling to your daily routine has many benefits. As they prevent muscle soreness by increasing circulation, decrease injury risk, and help regulate stress hormones.


This one might seem elementary but let’s break it down. Coordination, or motor skills, is the connection between mind and body. If you try to move opposite sides of the body simultaneously and pause for several seconds then coordination needs boosting. Fine-tuning motor skills is more important than you might think. Everything from typing and driving to exercising and cooking requires motor skills. As we age, this coordination starts to dwindle if it is not regularly utilized and enhanced.

-Balance Training

Balance training unites several main systems in the body which leads to advanced motor skills. The visual system, as well as nerve and joint receptors, work in tandem to properly align and communicate during balance training. The mind also becomes engaged as the central processor communicating movement to muscles. Additionally, having a sharp balance depletes the risk of falls and injury. Some great ways to balance train include, yoga, tai chi, Barre classes, or BOSU ball exercises. Learn more about BOSU ball techniques here.

-New Skills

The best way to fully engage the body and its systems is to introduce new activities. This forces the body to adapt and the mind to expand which deepens the connection between the two. Nothing will boost coordination like learning how to dance, do yoga, hit a baseball, self-defense or even boxing. Any NEW activity that provokes the use of the body and mind will keep you in optimal condition.


Injury risk increases with age because joints are more susceptible to wear and tear. This is not a flaw and you are not weak. Having more awareness will prevent any injury in the first place. Think about it, a child can fall down and jump right back up within an instant. When an adult falls, it takes a few moments before they even process what just happened.

Exercise Fundamentals

The best ways to prevent injury are performing basic movements and doing them correctly. Exercise programs such as calisthenics allow people to strengthen muscles that are used on a regular basis. Strengthening these muscles reduces injury risk during normal daily activities. Calisthenics originated in Ancient Greece and was used to emphasize the body’s natural muscle tone. It was later brought to the US and taught to gymnasts and then eventually became a form of general physical education. Some examples of exercises include squats, push-ups, sit-ups, burpees, leg raises, and dips. All performed without needing any equipment or a gym. Calisthenics exercises here.

Exercise Awareness

There is a lot to be said for low-impact exercises which are sometimes overlooked. Ideas include swimming, walking, speed walking, yoga, tai chi, cycling, rowing or the elliptical. All of these activities are fantastic for aerobic training and strength. The risk of injury is almost nothing with these exercises as long as they are performed correctly. Be aware of any sore joints or muscles and adjust exercise routines accordingly. The body communicates as long as you listen and respect the feedback it gives.


Starting a fitness journey after the age of 40 is possible. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle well into your 60’s is also possible. Be aware of how the body changes with time and make adjustments to adapt. By changing with the body you encourage better health both physically and mentally. Incorporate some of the above tips for a strong and limitless future.

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